The Doctoral Program (DP) of the CP conference is open to all students doing research on constraints, including students that participated in previous DPs. It is a place where you can meet other student researchers, discuss your ongoing work in a relaxed atmosphere, as well as getting some mentoring from an experienced researcher in the field.

You can participate by submitting a paper about your ongoing research, or just the abstract if you have a paper accepted at the main conference; see below for detailed instructions. Any participating student can also request financial support to have the registration fee waived. We also propose inexpensive quality shared accommodation to participating students on a first-come first-served basis.

The program is a full-day event at the conference and includes presentations of the papers, a poster session for all CP attendees, mentoring by a senior researcher who will see your talk and spend some time to discuss with you during the conference, as well as a nice (and free) dinner at the end of the day.

Important dates

  • June 5, 2018 - Paper submission deadline
  • June 7, 2018 - Financial support request deadline
  • June 27, 2018 - Notification
  • July 11, 2018 - Camera ready version for online proceedings
  • August  27, 2018 - Doctoral program

Submission instructions

Any student who does research on constraints (in the broadest sense) can participate. The submitted paper should contain work that is primarily the work of the student. It can be work in progress, completed work, or recently published work.

  • Students with a paper accepted at CP 2018 can participate by submitting just the abstract of the paper. They will also present at the doctoral program, but in lightning talk format (~3 minutes).

  • All other students are required to submit a short paper (from 4 to 8 pages, excluding references).

Submissions should be in the same style as the main conference (Springer LNCS), and the author list should specify who is the student and who are the advisors and other co-authors. Submissions are required to be in PDF format. All proposals should be submitted online through EasyChair by selecting "New Submission".

Financial Support

Participants of the doctoral program can ask for financial support, which consists of a reduced registration fee including rooms.

To request financial support, you should send a mail to until June 7, 2018, with your advisor in CC, containing:

  • Your name and affiliation.

  • Title and ID of your submission.

  • Name of your advisor (he/she should be in CC of the email as well).

  • A PDF containing: a short motivation of your request (is it primarily your work, how can the support help you and your lab, optionally whether the support is essential for participating in the conference) and a signature of you and your advisor.

We have funding to support up to 24 students. This will be allocated based on the motivation of the request, and in case of ties on the quality of the submitted work.

Doctoral program

Review training

On submitting a paper, you will be assigned another student's paper to review. This is both to let you practice reviewing, and to share your impressions of the work with the other student. If your own submission is accepted, your mentor (see below) will discuss your review with you during the conference.


All students will be asked to present their work at the doctoral program. The presentation will be about 15 minutes long, followed by an open discussion. If you submitted an abstract of a paper accepted at CP, the presentation will be a short 3 minute lighting talk, meant to motivate the students to come see your full presentation.

Invited talks

We are delighted to announce the following invited speakers at the Doctoral Program:

  • Claude-Guy Quimper. "Improving the Energetic Reasoning: How I followed 15-year-old advice from my supervisor."

  • Lakhdar Sais. "Towards cross-fertilization between Data Mining and Constraints."

Poster session

There will be a poster session for the doctoral program participants, where all attendees of the main conference can come and see your work (exact details to be determined).

Social dinner

There will be a free dinner on the evening of the doctoral program, open to all students selected for the doctoral program, the doctoral program invited speakers and chairs.

Cheap shared accommodation

Any participating student can register for a reduced fee with free bedrooms located in Lille downtown.

Doctoral Program Chairs

Feel free to contact us ( if you have any further questions.